
Triangle strategy review download
Triangle strategy review download

triangle strategy review download

As a bonus, it is also very newcomer-friendly for those who aren’t well-versed in strategy/RPGs. Outside of some pacing issues and long-winded battles, Triangle Strategy has been a blast to play, with a good mix of strategy and narrative elements. The choices can come down to doing something you don’t entirely agree with for leverage later to deciding to accept help from a shady ally out of necessity. I often agonized over my decisions, wondering where the other path may have led. The conundrums are very Game of Thrones-like, as every nation is scheming while appearing to be an ally. I don’t yet know how far-reaching the branching paths are, but I always could see a reason for picking each path. Triangle Strategy most impresses me in its multifaceted choices.

triangle strategy review download

I wish there was a little bit more customization in building characters, but it’s an easy system to grasp, and I always look forward to new abilities due to the new strategies they open. The former is more about unlocking stat boosts and passive skills, while the latter improves your stats and opens up cool new abilities. There are three different weapon tiers and class promotion levels. There’s also great delight in watching your team level up, learn new abilities, and roam your headquarters. For instance, I have a character that can throw out a decoy to attract attention and absorb damage, while another can set traps that knock baddies off ledges for extra fall damage. You get a good variety of combatants with unique abilities. I enjoy looking for optimal places to put my units on the battlefield, but even more so learning the ins and outs of the unique characters at my disposal. Elevation matters greatly, as attacking from a higher point than your enemy can give you great leverage in damage dealt and keeping yourself safe. As you play, you build up an army of different units with classes to help you fight in grid-based battles, where positioning and flanking are key. If you’re a fan of strategy/RPGs like Final Fantasy Tactics or Fire Emblem, you’ll feel right at home with Triangle Strategy. Until I complete the game, here are my impressions to give you an idea of what it has to offer. Unfortunately, I haven’t finished the game, which has branching paths and multiple endings, so I’m not quite ready to deliver my final verdict.

triangle strategy review download

So far, I’m really digging Triangle Strategy, especially the interesting questions it poses about political strategies and how it involves the player in deciding those answers for themselves. I’ve been playing through the political adventure, which centers on a young ruler named Serenoa who is thrust into intense power struggles and must decide what’s best for a new generation. Triangle Strategy, a new tactical RPG led by Tomoya Asano, producer of the Bravely Default and Octopath Traveler games, makes its debut tomorrow.

Triangle strategy review download