
Chanel pocketbook
Chanel pocketbook

Most of the time, the counterfeit Chanel Jumbo bags will have their leather looking obviously poorer in terms of quality than the leather used on the legit Chanel Classic Flap bags. We consider that the best way to spot fake Chanel Classic Flap bags is to check the inner metal strap because, on the replica Chanel bags, it is always flawed. The use of the words “restore”, “restoring” or “restoration” on this website does not mean we can bring any item back to “brand new” or “original factory condition.3 Where can I get my Chanel Classic Flap bag authenticated? The Chanel authentication service How to spot fake Chanel Classic Flap and protected by international trademarks, copyrights, and patents. We also offer a re-plating service for certain pieces of hardware to restore the original finish of the metal, and we can custom create specific hardware parts if they are missing entirely.Ĭhanel ® and its related patterns, designs, and logos are owned by Chanel S.A. In the event that we cannot reuse your original hardware, we will work with you to source a suitable generic replacement. While we are unable to provide Chanel branded replacement parts, we are often able to repair or reuse the original hardware. Some repairs can include: restructuring, cleaning and refinishing leather, new leather in chains, lengthen chains, sealing tears or lifted leather, hardware repair (additional details below), and stitching. We have the knowledge and experience required to identify and repair anything your bag may need. This detailed assessment may also identify other areas of repair that may be needed. When Rago Brothers receives a Chanel or other luxury brand handbag in need of repair, it first undergoes a thorough inspection by our designer handbag repair experts.

chanel pocketbook

Today, in addition to the Classic Flap bag, Chanel has designed and produced many other highly sought-after handbag styles, such as the Boy Bag and the reissued 2.55. However, it was Karl Lagerfeld who added the iconic interlocking CC logo closure to the bag’s design in the 1980s. It was not until 1929 that she designed her first bag. Chanel was originally founded as a hat-making shop in 1909 when Gabrielle (Coco) Bonheur Chanel opened her doors to create fashionable hats for the affluent women of Paris.

Chanel pocketbook